

Rare combination of dental practice with real estate for sale. The doctor is retiring from this long time established general, family practice that has been in the area for decades. The practice is 100% FFS and the building is a free standing building with 4 fully equipped ops with newer dental chairs. This is a well appointed office that features digital X-rays, a digital panorex (Kavo), and Eaglesoft practice management. Healthy hygiene department with 2 long term part-time hygienists. The practice has average annual collections of $500,000.00

The seller is looking forward to helping a buyer with the transition then spending time with family and grandkids after a successful career.

To get additional information, please contact Dr. Tony Hodge.


Opportunity Type:
Practice for Sale


Vero Beach/Sebastian, FL

Ref# TH22182

Dr. Tony Hodge

Office: 561-339-0109
Click here to email →

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