General Practice in Coral Gables
This practice is in a great location and has a lot of room for growth.
The seller has been in this spot for over 24 years and is a solo practitioner referring out most Endo, Veneers, Implants, Ortho, and most of the extractions. The seller also has never done any marketing or social media is has solid production result year after year.
The practice has EasyDental and Carestream Practice Imaging Software but will be upgrading to Dentrix before the sale since Easy Dental will no longer have support as of Dec 2023.
The practice is open 5x per week, but the doctor is there 4x days and has consistently taken over 8x weeks of vacation yearly. They have 4x days of hygiene and only see PPO and FFS patients.
The space has 3x OPs. The lease is around $5,100, and the lease will expire in December 2026 and has a 3-year option. We can negotiate an additional option period once we start the process and start the lease assignment.
2023: $381,780 (Jan-June) $763,560 (Annualized)
2022: $715,609
2021: $634,178
2020: $812,461 (with Covid Adjustment)
2019: $775,589
Asking Price: $594,300
For additional details, please email Ricardo D’Avila at