

Doctor retiring from a well-established general practice after being practice for over 30 years. This practice is located along the Space Coast in a BOOMING demographic that is growing substantially due to SpaceX, Patrick’s Air Force Base, and more. It is perfect for someone who either wants to live in Orlando and commute OR for someone who is tired of the traffic and wants to relocate to a more family-focused demographic.

The practice is FFS/PPO only with no HMO. The hygiene program is thriving with multiple FT hygienists to where the hygiene collections make up 24% of the total revenue (above average). The office is fully digital and paperless and they average ~65 new patients per month and have over 3,500 active patients. It is located in a highly desirable central location on a main thoroughfare with excellent signage and exposure. There is a total of 2,500 sq ft with 6 OPs equipped and room for more.


2021 Annualized Through May: $1,251,478.00
2020 As-is: $1,039,104.87
2020 Annualized for COVID Shut Down: $1,228,033.00
2019: $1,157,104.08


Opportunity Type:
Practice for Sale


Space Coast, FL

Ref# MC210614

Michael Connor

Office: 407-716-5676
Click here to email →

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