Practice for sale in Pompano Beach
This practice is located in a plaza and the seller has been in this location for 18 years. The seller has a great reputation in this market and excellent Google reviews.
This practice has a solid hygiene program with around 5x days of hygiene and sends out all specialty work (Endo, Implants, Extractions, Invisalign, Surgery). They also spend no money on marketing and are 40%FFF/60%PPO.
The practice is 1,164 SF, modern with 4x equipped OPs and room for a 5th OP if the buyer decides to use the private office as an OP. They have newer Adec Chairs, Schick sensors, Eaglesoft, and a Gendex 2D Pano.
The rent is $4,091 per month, assignable expires March 2024, and has 9 more years of option periods.
2022 $603,000
2021 $706,000
2020$ 619,000
Asking Price: $542,200.00
For more information, please email Ricardo D’Avila.