

Long time established practice of over 25 years for sale. The office is 1,560 sq ft with 4 OPs and is located in a very busy retail plaza. Currently this is a satellite office that is associate driven and open only two days per week. The practice has an excellent patient base of over 446 active patients to grow from. If an owner was open more days and did any bit of marketing, this office would grow tremendously. The production was over 700k when full time just 4 years ago.
2018: $521,103.00
2019: $331,578.00
2020 Annualized (no shut down): $400,076.93
2021 Through September: $243,679.67
Asking price: $287,000.00
Contact Dr. Tony Hodge to get additional information


Opportunity Type:
Practice for Sale


Jupiter, FL

Ref# TH99844

Dr. Tony Hodge

Office: 561-339-0109
Click here to email →

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