

General practice for sale with real estate in the fast-growing area of Panama City, Florida.
Doctor is ready to retire after 42 years of private practice and is ready to pursue other interests. The seller is willing to remain available to work through an agreed-upon transition period if a buyer desired. Currently, the seller works 3 1/2 days per week and the hygienist works 4 days per week. There are over 1,000 Active Patients and the practice does minimal marketing. The office is 6 operatories with 2,588 sq. ft. in a newly remodeled free-standing building. The building has plenty of parking and great exposure to the main road which makes it easy to find and attract new patients. The equipment is in good condition with a digital PAN and utilizes dentrix practice management software. This opportunity will not last long.
2022: $581,285.82
2021: $589,925.62
2020 Annualized (No COVID Shut Down): $588,939.00
Asking Price:
Practice: $431,000.00
Property/Real Estate: $418,000.00

Financials and additional detail are available upon request by contacting Kyle Pace or Dr. Carlton Schwartz


Opportunity Type:
Practice for Sale


Panama City, FL

Ref# CS141221

Dr. Carlton Schwartz

Office: 850-258-2457
Click here to email →

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