

Practice for Sale


Long-time established Prosthodontic practice for sale in Broward County

After 34 years in this location and over 38 years in practice, the seller is ready to start transitioning into retirement. The practice is 100% FFS and is open 4.5 days per week and has 3 days of hygiene.

This practice would be a great fit for any Prosthodontist but also any cosmetic or Prosth focused general dentist. Only 25% of the new patients are from referring GPs whereas the other 75% are strictly from word of mouth. There is exponential upside for a dentist that wants to invest in marketing and/or networking with other medical professionals in the area. Furthermore, there would be instant additional revenue and income for any Prosthodontist or GP who places implants as that is currently referred out. This practice is a very traditional, old-school Prosthodontic practice.

This practice is located in an upscale medical complex. The office is 2,066 SF with 4x equipped OPs and is easily expandable to one more OP. The space is very elegant and no initial renovation is needed in our opinion. The practice utilizes Eaglesoft practice management software and Dexis imaging. The lease is $5,504.62 per month with CAM and taxes included. The selling dentist owns the property and while he is not ready to sell it at this time, any future buyer would be granted a right of first refusal which is an added bonus.
The seller is flexible with a transition plan that fits the needs of the buyer, within reason.

Practice Revenue(s):
2020: $836,396
2021: $865,802
2022: $808,651
Asking Price: $599,300

Broward County offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural attractions, modern amenities, and first-class public & private schools. All of these things make it a great place to live, raise a family, and practice. Could this be the practice for you? For additional information, please contact Ricardo D’Avila.


Opportunity Type:
Practice for Sale


Broward County, FL

Ref# RD040423

Ricardo D'Avila

Office: 954-635-7991
Click here to email →

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